The Story Behind Coming Home for You

In 2019, I was traveling for work a lot. During the summer, I was gone about every other week. I didn’t like it, and neither did my son. As much as he liked getting to stay with his grandparents, he hated it and wanted me to stay home.

I was still in college when he was born. I was there on the day (luckily he was born over the summer), but a few months later, I had to go back to school. I didn’t get to hear his first words. I didn’t get to see his first steps. And so being away from him again and missing more of his life, especially at the time when he still wanted me to be a part of it, was hard.

While I was traveling, I wrote Coming Home for You to express how I felt. When I got home one day and tucked him into bed, I read it for him. As hard as parenting gets, especially when I started so young, I still miss seeing him. I still want to be a part of his life, no matter what.


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