The Story Behind Enjoy the Moment

Whenever I’m driving, I usually have music playing. It’s something to pass the time while I’m getting from point A to point B, and I enjoy listening to music.

One time as I’m driving home from work, one of my favorite songs comes on. For reference, I store my music on my phone, because then I can listen to the music I want when I want, vs. using a service or the radio that randomizes it. So I can always listen to it, but I hadn’t heard it in a while, since it hadn’t been on the current playlist in a while.

But of course, I’m also driving, so my focus is on the road, especially on the interstate where I was at the time. That being the case, I couldn’t enjoy the song as much as I wanted to. When I was able to tune back into the song, it was almost over. The moment was gone.

I realized that it was a lot like life. Those moments that pass you by because you were paying attention to something else, something that seemed so important at the time, but looking back, maybe it wasn’t. In this case, paying attention to the road was very important. But sometimes it’s not. You missed that moment for something that might not have been so important.

Enjoy the Moment is my thoughts on that, and a lesson I’ve learned. I hope other people may learn from it too.


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