The Story Behind Friendship Survives

When I was four years old, my family moved to a new house. A few houses up the street lived another boy about my age named Alex. We met not long after I moved there. We went to the same school and the same daycare. As the years went on, other friends came and went, but we stuck together.

Throughout that time, we were playing games with action figures, or spending days of our lives playing video games, or pretending we were astronauts exploring a new world. There were ups and downs, and we got into fights every now and then. We were both different from everyone else, but we found a place to belong with one another.

After high school, I went off to college out of town, while he stayed there. But we got together when I was home. The summer between my sophomore and junior years of college, we hung out every Wednesday. His mom, who considers me an additional son, made curry for the three of us and put on an old movie. We worked our way through Alfred Hitchcock, Casablanca, and any other movies she had.

When I wanted to write a poem about friendship, following the pattern of the other crest poems, there was no question what it was going to be about. I wrote about my friend Alex and all the times we’d spent together. That became Friendship Survives. After all this time, we’re still friends. I don’t get to see him as often as I’d like, but we get together every now and then. Because our friendship has survived.


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