The Story Behind Get Through Life Together

Most of my friends are solitary people. Introverts, loners, however they label themselves, they don’t tend to reach out. It’s often up to me to reach out.

When they have problems or go through difficult times, as a result, they’ll just deal with it themselves. Or worse, ignore it and hope it goes away on its own. This is never a good idea, and no one should do this.

As I’ve always been, I’m different. When I have problems, I want to talk to people about them. In the absence of someone to whom I can talk, I’ll talk to myself about it, and resolve most of my problems that way.

I have friends, and we don’t need to deal with our problems alone. We can deal with them together, because life happens. It happens to everyone, and when it does, we needn’t deal with it ourselves. That’s why I wrote Get Through Life Together. As a reminder to everyone that, so long as you’ve got someone, you never need to get through life alone.


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