The Story Behind How Sincere is Sincerity?

With knowledge written, I was down to three more crests: sincerity, reliability, and light. I had already decided I wanted to save light for last, so I started working on sincerity and reliability. After trying and failing to come up with anything for reliability, I looked at sincerity.

For this one, I thought about lying. As a parent, I try to encourage my son to always be honest, even though I know I’m not always honest. Where should we draw the line? When does a small lie grow too big? When is it okay to lie?

That’s where I started on How Sincere is Sincerity?. With the line “Sometimes, it’s okay to lie”. Because it is. But if lies are used to much, they grow too big, and then it’s not okay. That’s when you should be honest.

Especially in a world where it’s easy to say something untrue and get away with it, it’s important, now more than ever, to teach our children when it’s okay to lie, and when they have to be honest.


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