The Story Behind I'm Here If You Need Me

Many of my friends are stubborn, specifically when it comes to accepting help. They insist they don’t want my help, whether paying for something or reaching something on a high shelf. At least when watching them reach a high shelf, I’ve learned to sit back and watch, providing commentary as needed.

I’m well off enough in life, and I like to help people. So I’d offer to pay for something, usually a meal. Arguing over the check is simply something my family does, my mom and grandma in particular, so it always seemed natural to me.

As often happens when I emerge from my bubble, I learned that this isn’t exactly a normal thing. In particular, I learned that my friends don’t want me to pay for anything, because they want to do it themselves.

I wrote I’m Here If You Need Me as a reflection back on this. Especially in a time when everyone needs help (For those reading this in the future and don’t know to what I’m referring, look up COVID-19). I’m still available to help people, but I know better than to try helping them before they ask. So now I’m saying “I’m here if you need me”.

And I always will be.


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