The Story Behind Keeping the Faith

As I mentioned last week, I used to have problems controlling my anger. Now, I don’t even like getting angry. I try not to, I try to keep it all under control. But sometimes, things happen, and anger is the appropriate response.

In 2020, the year that never seems to end, there have been multiple incidents of African Americans dying in police custody. Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Daniel Prude, to name only a few (as of the start of October, and the year’s not over yet). Even after massive protests broke out earlier in the year, this kept happening.

I haven’t marched in the protests in my city. I donate to the ACLU, and while that’s something, it’s not a lot. We should all be doing more. I don’t mean to speak down to anyone or blame anyone. I hate the feeling that this is my fault, but that’s a fact. It’s everyone’s fault.

Many of us didn’t realize what was happening, but we’ve seen this before. For years, racism has been a part of our world. My town is no different, being predominately white. That’s not an accident, that was intentional, many years ago. We should’ve been asking “Why?” a long time ago. Why is it like this?

Knowing who’s at fault is only important because it tells us who is responsible for fixing it. We are all at fault, so it’s our responsibility to fix it. I can’t even say “my city’s not like that”, because Daniel Prude was from my city.

It’s up to us all to fix it. We can do it. Because as I said in Keeping the Faith, we are better than that.


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