The Story Behind Love Is...
Following Wings of Hope, and being a huge Digimon fan, I got the idea to write a series of eight poems, each with a theme from one of the eight crests. Number one was hope, held by my favorite of the eight main characters. After that, I decided to do love.
I sat down in my room one morning with the theme of “love” in my head and nothing else. And I began to write. I wrote about the love I’ve seen in my life. The love shared by all of the odd couples I know. The love of two people living far away. The love of parenting, and of accepting people for who they are.
The person “saying yes instead of no” was me a long time ago, when I adopted my dog. When my friends asked me, I was prepared to say “no”, because I didn’t think I could handle it. But when I got there, I said “yes”. Why? Love. And I haven’t regretted that decision once.
“Hundreds of questions before the sun comes up” is my son, and “hundreds” might be an understatement. But I listen to them because I love him.
When I needed a title, I settled on Love Is…, because that was what the poem was about. What love is. What it looks like. And who shares it.
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