The Story Behind One Hundred Kisses

I have a very affectionate dog. He just turned 14 (although you couldn’t tell by either his size or energy level), so I wanted to write a poem for him. The difficult part was figuring out what to write.

There’s a lot I can say about him. He fluffs pillows when he gets ready to lie down. He likes to snuggle with my son’s stuffed animals. He stares at me unblinking for several minutes when he wants something. He holds still when I have my phone out so I can take a picture. I could go into the long story of how he came into our family.

But the first thing most people learn about him is that he loves to give kisses. He’s always happy to see people, especially my family, and makes sure we all know how much he loves us.

I wrote One Hundred Kisses to celebrate my little dog with a big personality, and how much we all love him.


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