The Story Behind Paper Flower

Ever since I was little, I’ve liked making gifts for other people. One of my favorite things to do when I was four was to make birthday cards for everyone.

As I got older, I learned origami. Without instructions, one had to use one’s imagination to see what I saw in the paper. That didn’t stop me from making cats, dogs, or flying monkeys for my family, my parents in particular.

While in college, a friend of mine showed me how to make a flower out of a napkin. It was easy enough that I taught my son’s classmates to do it when he was in kindergarten.

Now that I’m older, I don’t tend to make things anymore. My usual method for buying gifts is to wander around festivals, spot something that makes me think of a loved one, and get it for them. But still, taking the time to make something says “I care”.

I wrote Paper Flower with my thoughts on that. On making something for someone instead of simply buying something at the store. Some people might call it cheap, but I don’t. It takes work to make it, and it shows how much you care.


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