The Story Behind Part of the Family

In February 2020, my friend Mike celebrated his 60th birthday. On my way there, I thought “I should’ve written a poem for it”. Of course, that thought was immediately followed by the start of a poem. It laid dormant in my head for a little while as I continued processing it.

While I was there, Mike asked if I’d written a poem for him, because he loves my poetry. I said I hadn’t, but didn’t mention the one forming in my head. While his son Bobby played music, I continued processing, then slowly started to write.

About an hour later, I flagged Bobby down and asked if I could steal the mic for a moment. He also knows my poetry, so he agreed. Up at the mic, I said, “Mike asked me earlier if I had a poem, and I said I didn’t. Now I do.”

That poem was Part of the Family. I’ve noticed over the years that one doesn’t simply become friends with Mike, or his wife Laura, or their children. They welcome you into the family. Laura would always bring food to open mic, offering it to anyone that sat with them. Every one of Bobby’s friends that came by was welcomed by all of them with open arms.

It’s been a privilege to be welcomed into their family the same way.


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