The Story Behind Remembering a Bright Glow

In the past two years, I’ve been to four funerals or wakes. I always learn so much about people that I didn’t know before. How much they cared for everyone. How different they were beneath the mask of a smile. How truly loved they were.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away a few days ago. This time, I didn’t expect to know anything about her. But like all the other times, I wish I’d known more.

I found out Friday night while looking through videos for the news. Right there, at the top of the list, was “Remembering Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, dead at 87”. I stared at the title, unable to believe it. I was in shock. Not only because I knew what was coming next, but because I knew how wonderful she was. Of course, as everyone finds something good to say about her, I’ve learned so much more.

My favorite story about her was one of the Supreme Court cases she argued for the ACLU. She said “I knew that I was speaking to men who didn’t think there was any such thing as gender-based discrimination and my job was to tell them it really exists”. And she won that case. Like trying to convince blind men that there were problems in the world they couldn’t see.

I wrote Remembering a Bright Glow in memory of her. That extraordinary person that changed the world, making it a better place for millions. No matter what happens next, we must never forget her.


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