The Story Behind Sleep Tight

Ever since I was little, I’ve always had a bunch of stuffed animals. I could easily bury myself in them. But the one I had the longest was Curious George. One of my mom’s friends got him for me at her baby shower, so I’ve had him my entire life. Then my aunt and grandmother each made me a blanket.

Every night I slept with them. If I went away to camp, I had to have them with me. Packing for a trip or vacation, they were one of the first things in my suitcase. Even after I moved out of my parents’ house, I took them with me.

Several months back, I heard about a charity called Project Night Night, which collects stuffed animals, security blankets, and books for homeless children. It reminded me how important such things were to me as I was growing up. As has become something of a reflex, I decided I wanted to write about it.

The resulting poem became Sleep Tight, a celebration of those three that were so important to me growing up. Even now, I know they’re always there for me.


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