The Story Behind Snowfall

At the end of 2019, I was still going to Open Mic at FBC. I’d long since become an expected feature of Open Mic, and at least one person asked if I had any poems for the holidays. I’d been tossing around poems in my head, but nothing had stuck yet.

One of my favorite songs to listen to during the holidays is Winter Wonderland. In middle school choir, it was the last song we’d sing for the winter concert. All the choirs would squeeze onto the stage and sing it together. That’s always been the way to start the holidays for me.

As I’ve written more poems, I’ve begun to notice that the words of other people don’t cut it anymore. They describe how they’re feeling or what they see, but not always what I feel or see. It might be close, but not exact. So I began to write.

I grew up celebrating Christmas, but not all of my friends do. So when I write poems for the winter holiday season, I focus on celebrating winter, not the holidays. A time to look out and see another layer of beauty in nature. To huddle together to fend off the cold. To put aside our differences and come together in a shared spirit of joy.

That’s what I focused on for Snowfall. Snow, winter, and happiness. Because to me, that’s what winter is all about.


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