The Story Behind Some Reliability

With two crests left, I turned next to reliability. Like knowledge and sincerity, this took a few tries to get right.

I have trust issues. I like to believe the best in people, but I don’t like having to rely on anyone too much. In my head, that’s how people let you down. If you want something done your way, you have to do it.

But what if I can’t do it? It isn’t feasible to do everything alone. Therefore, at some point, I’ll have to rely on someone else to do the job. What about the people in whom I’m putting my trust? Do they understand the burden?

I wrote Some Reliability to convey these ideas. To talk about the burden of trust that people put in us. If we don’t do our jobs right, if they can’t rely on us, then everything breaks down. We’ve got to operate reliably. If no one can rely on anyone else, what are we left with? Chaos.


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