The Story Behind Stand Tall Together

Warning: Politics Ahead

I watched most of Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, because I wanted to stay informed. There were many things I took away from it, but the biggest one was watching how the two sides regarded one another. It was like watching two groups of people that had lived in completely separate worlds that hated each other. It saddened me to see them like that, but not unexpected.

On social media, in politics, and in many more settings, people have an “Us Against Them” mentality. I can’t explain why, because there are an uncountable number of reasons. Each person has their own reason for thinking this way, and while I can’t judge them for it, I can offer an alternative.

That’s what Stand Tall Together is about: unity. A way forward that doesn’t put us at odds with one another. I’m sure I’ll say this many more times, but that’s what writing means to me. Watching the world and thinking “What if it were this way?” I wrote about the world I wanted to see while I watched two groups of people refuse to get along.

Everyone is important. Everyone can contribute. And if we all stick together, life’s struggles aren’t as daunting. If we all try to go it alone, it’d be like a group of dancers performing individual dances without practice. Everyone will run into one another and get hurt. My actions affect the world around me, just as much as the world around me affects me. That’s just as important to remember now as it was a few months ago, even more so. Trusting the world when the world’s let you down can be hard, but facing life together is easier than facing it alone.

Remember: We stand tall together.


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