The Story Behind We're Surviving Together

I describe the past several months of my life as the COVID-19 Fever Dream. It’s not always bad, but it’s a far cry from good. The other day, I watched news reports from the start of the pandemic. I laughed at politicians saying “this will go away on its own” or “by July, we’ll be better than ever”.

Despite their optimism and lack of foresight, in August, it’s still going. In September, as I’m writing this, it’s still going. We still wear masks to go outside. We still can’t gather like we used to. There are no arts festivals that I love so much. Schools have reopened on a hybrid model (at least where my son goes to school).

In spite of the vast differences, looking back at the start of it, I was scared. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but seeing people pulling together gave me such hope for the future. Not just where we are, but where we’re going.

I wrote We’re Surviving Together to reflect that hope, and spread it to others that might be feeling hopeless. I know it’s hard, harder for most than it is for me, I imagine. But now is the time to stick together. Together, we can overcome anything. I know we can.


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