The Story Behind Wings of Hope

I’ve never been an optimistic person. I can be cautiously optimistic at times, but I often default to pessimism when it concerns anything about me. But at the same time, I try to see the best in people, even though negativity comes naturally to me.

In spite of that, I try to be optimistic. I try to say “I can do this”. To say “We can do this”. To smile and look at the rising sun and say “Today’s a new day. Let’s make it a good one.”

One day in September 2019, I had the phrase “Wings of Hope” in my head, courtesy of the show Digimon. I let it form into ideas about hope and optimism, and about how hard I make my life. It’s not that I have a tough life, but I always try to do things the hard way.

I put these thoughts into a poem. Not as a reflection on my outlook on life, but as the outlook I wanted to have. To see bad things happen, let them roll off, and get back up again. To rise above the darkness and shadows of life and look to the light.

I wrote Wings of Hope that day, and refined it during the week. It’s still one of my favorite poems of those I’ve written. It reminds me that I can keep going forward, no matter what. No matter how bad life gets, no matter how dark the night looks, there’s always hope. I can rise above it and keep moving forward.

Flying on the wings of hope.


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